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Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection


Full Listing > Search results for "Harry Jr. 1944:"
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TopicAccession #Description Summary
Eberly, William: Office FilesMU2014/107 

Materials from Bill Eberly's files that describe his educational history, the development of Manchester's Environmental Science and public school educational programs, the history of Koinonia, syllabi, student notes (confidential), research data on Indiana and other lakes, Cordier biographical material, Indiana history, and Manchester College quips.

Property Deeds, Titles, Abstracts and Articles of Incorporation and CharterMU2016/55 

Deeds of property owned or administered by Manchester College and Mount Morris College, including property divided with the Church of the Brethren. Documents of agreement between MC and Calvin Ulrey and Miriam Ulrey. Lots including Railroad Addition North Manchester (Judge John Comstock). Cook family property. Koinonia. Property associated with Eel River Church of the Brethren. Insurance policies (property/equipment/autos).

1895 articles of incorporation and charter (E. S. Young) - also documents following administration change 1900 and also the formation and dissolution of Manchester College Foundation and Holding Company.

Schwalm, Vernon: Correspondence Folders 21-44MC2006/13: Schwalm's Confidential Files - Folders 21- 44 The materials in these folders were identified, probably by Schwalm, as "confidential files." They contain personal, College, and Church of the Brethren related correspondence.  
Schwalm, Vernon: Correspondence with Andrew CordierMC2006/13: Schwalm's Confidential Files 

Decades of correspondence between Vernon Schwalm and Andrew Cordier. Cordier gives detailed accounts of behind-the-scenes activity at the United Nations during the Cold War, and the reader can watch the situation in the Congo unfold.  Cordier's role in the Cuban missile Crisis is described to Schwalm as are events on the Columbia University campus during a period of student uprising in the the 1960's. Cordier is always in the thick of things and his descriptions of political figures and events are intriguing.

Wine, Norman: CollectionMU2014/42 Materials related to Norman B. Wine - biography and related artifacts, diplomas, Auroras, Manchester College Bulletins reflecting his time with the Board of Trustees, congregational anniversary items for the Southern Ohio District of the Church of the Brethren. 

These items in the Church of the Brethren collection may also be helpful:
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TopicRecord #Description Summary
Church of the Brethren: Lent, Zeller, Harry Jr. 1944BC2010/10 The file folder containing this message by Harry K. Zeller, Jr. has "Sugar Creek" written on the left hand corner.  Perhaps Ferne Baldwin wrote this note to tell what congregation Harry Zeller was speaking to or was part of?  The message is titled, "Brethren Declare Their Lenten Faith," and is dated 26 March 1944. 

Manchester University • 604 E. College Ave., North Manchester, Ind. 46962 • 260-982-5000